His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, welcomed commissioners of countries participating in Expo 2020 Dubai. Expo’s sixth International Participants Meeting (IPM) was convened by His Highness on Tuesday 04 May. It was the final gathering of nations, multilateral organisations, academic institutions and corporations before Expo 2020 Dubai opens. The global event is set to start in less than 150 days after being delayed a year due to the pandemic. Dubai this week welcomed delegates representing 173 countries and 24 international organisations at the final International Participants Meeting before Expo 2020 Dubai opens in October. The IPM welcomed more than 370 delegates from around the world, demonstrating the country's readiness to host the event, following the success of the UAE’s measures to tackle the global health pandemic.
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